Terra Nova

Terra Nova

terra nova (new earth)

Terra Nova is a spiritual community to help support you on your path, and align you with your highest timeline. It is a space of unconditional love and acceptance.

With our weekly video calls, you will receive light language healings and group prayers intended to raise your frequency, manifest abundance, heal, and ascend spiritually.

Weekly group calls

The light language is typically for ~2 hours every Sunday @ 10am Australian Central Daylight Time (ACDT). The group prayers are fortnightly Monday @ 10am ACDT for ~2-3 hours. Find out what time this is in your timezone.

Downloadable recordings

If you can’t make it, recordings will be made available after each healing for streaming or downloading. It is not necessary to attend live to receive the full benefit.

Ongoing light language healings

Receive weekly light language tune-ups to align you with your highest timeline. Experiencing light language regularly can accelerate your spiritual progress.

Manifest more abundance

Light language helps to realign your energy body with abundance, so you can attract more freedom and enjoyment into your life.

Expand your consciousness

Raise your vibration and expand your consciousness by tuning your energy body with light language regularly.

Reprogram the subconscious

Light language assists in effortlessly reprogramming your subconscious mind, clearing any blocks to receiving your intentions.

Energy healing

Receive powerful energy healing from the light language transmissions to help you heal on all levels.

Channelled messages

Messages often come through from Spirit for the group and for the New Earth during the light language streams.

Magnetise your manifestations with group prayers

With our weekly group prayers, you can effortlessly magnetise your manifestations. Our intentions are far more powerful when many of us come together and focus on the same outcome.


Magnetise your manifestations

Our group energy helps to significantly amplify the power of your intentions, so you can feel at ease.

Submit prayers for loved ones

You can ask for prayers each week, for yourself or loved ones. Our community has felt the power of prayer tangibly help themselves and others.

Hear your prayers spoken

Feel the potency of your prayer intentions as they are spoken out loud by Bridget every week.

Receive channelled messages

When you put in your prayer, Bridget often channels messages from Spirit to help guide you.

Ask for guidance

When you put in your prayers, you can also ask for guidance from Spirit to help you on your path.

Personalised light language

When Bridget reads out the prayers, sometimes personalised light language comes through to assist you.

A safe space for spiritual growth

Our community is a safe space for you to meet like-minded people on the spiritual path. You will gain access to our private Discord community, where you can chat with everyone, ask questions, and share your experiences.

Discord community


Check out what our community has said about the group.

I am used to Bridget’s Light Language, so it comes with no surprise that the efficiency keeps multiplying. However, I am not much of a prayer person, and decided to test myself out with this one. The strength of a single prayer- multiplied by the entire group, week in, week out, blew me away. We’re not simply talking energetic impact, but the actual manifestation of the prayers in the physical. The prayers asked have been of varied types, and not a single request refused. If you want to know how potent it is, you need to try it! It is worth it.

Around the world

Bridget’s gentle and sensitive guidance has been so helpful on my spiritual journey. I feel that the sessions keep me connected to higher consciousness, and it is absolutely amazing to watch her work. Both the light language and the prayers bring physical sensations and healing on multiple levels.

Czech Republic

It lifted me when I most needed through this year. Things would be much harder without this group and healings... Very profound healing on many levels. Many traumas been released, many blocked emotions and lineage/bloodline have been healed through Bridget’s amazing channellings and light language with spirit. Also we reached really high spiritual states many times. Group full of love and light. Thank you


Merry Christmas 2024. Hello all you beautiful souls and spirits who have gathered to these words. My name is Robert and I have been in Bridget’s prayer group for the last 6 months. A few days ago I asked for my first group prayer. It brought tears of joy to my eyes. As the prayer energy has absorbed into my heart and daily actions, I now find myself unwrapping some of the gifts that have unveiled, in public, here and now on Christmas day :)

We will start with the prayer then the prayer response and go from there.

So I asked the group to pray for me over guilt and shame and blame. Well fear in general.

The response was overwhelming love. So much so that the parts of me which were much more aligned with a fearful, painful reality responded quickly to the most unusual, unfelt before, energy. So the group was guided to love me from afar which allowed me to release deeply held pain safely until I could rebalance my energy and allow them to come closer to my heart and invite them in. Then they brought in light and love enough to fill my tank and then some.

Now my mind is clear of fearful thoughts,emotions, misidentifying myself and into the relaxing loving arms of all that is.

I love this group and what it has done for me. Thank you everyone.

United States

Words alone can not convey the depth of healing, love, community, & transformation unfolding in this sacred circle. Personally my life has changed so much since I joined this group & I know it has been foundational in accelerating & supporting my journey. Joining the live calls continue to be a highlight of my week, Bridget has truly fostered a sense of soul family in this community & that is such a sacred gift in itself. It is such a special & safe space, wherever you may find yourself on your journey.

The light language healing every week has become a vital foundation for continued upliftment & raising of my frequency, which has facilitated effortless release of some very sticky energies in my life rooted in ancestral imprinting & deep subconscious patterning. The consistent exposure of these healings build upon each other to create lasting & profound healing of the physical & energetic bodies.

The prayer circle creates a harmonic union between the group & allows for a depth of connection & authenticity unique to the frequencies of Terra Nova. This model of joining together for sacred & personal healing is a core pillar to the co-creation of the new Earth. Not only are we bridging the new Earth together through sacred community, but we get to benefit from the potent & amplified energies of communal prayer. Receiving your prayer in Divine witness of the circle is like receiving a supercharged miracle! Personally speaking, my channeling abilities & opportunities for abundance, hope, & connection have been incredibly blessed by the power of this prayer circle.

If you are ready to receive deeper healing & transformation, join in sacred community, & unleash the light of your soul, then Terra Nova is waiting for you ;)

United States

Align with your highest timeline

Join the community to amplify your manifestations, elevate your vibration, and co-create a brighter future for ourselves and the world.

Join the Community